

Ballygawley Presbyterian church wanted to start a 'tape ministry'  but, being forward thinking, they didn't want tapes, they wanted CDs - and they wanted whatever we provided to allow for possible future advancement including DVD production.

We made a number of suggestions based on ease of use and cost, and here's the system we created together.

CD creation is by PC using a ten year old pentium with a Soundblaster Live soundcard and a CD writer.  this cost nothing.  Instead of the resource hungry Microsoft Windows operating system  (which is the main reason old computers are considered worthless), we created our own Linux distro to do exactly what we wanted to do.  It uses Audacity to record the service and xCDroast to burn the master CD.  Obviously if they want to expand into DVD, MP3s and internet streaming, they'll need a more modern computer, but you'd be surprised how little they'll be able to get away with.

CD Duplication will be done after the service finishes on an Acard 1-7 DVD duplicator controller with an Asus DVD ROM drive and seven Pioneer 109 DVD writers.   

To make the discs look good, they're using an Epson R220 CD printer.






